Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A day at home

Adrian had major oral surgery today. They slit his gums open and scraped his teeth down to the roots, then sewed him back up. I brought him home this morning, gave him some pudding and a pain killer, then helped him to the sofa for a snooze. When he woke up later, he didn't remember getting home, taking the pill or eating the pudding he had to take his pill with. Now, THAT'S some good drugs!
I got some clothes I ordered in the mail today. Nice to see that they were actually the right size and good quality. I ordered some clothes from Land's End a while back, 3 shirts all the same size. One shirt fit me, one was way too big and one was too small. The material was cheap. I'll never order from them again.
I wish it would get cool. I don't like that it's nearly my birthday and it's still 90 degrees aoutside. That sucks. I should be able to wear long sleeves by this time of year. I went to get a sandwich for lunch and it was HOT. It's not supposed to be this hot in October, dammit.....


Anonymous said...

How's Adrian doing?
Man, if I could take a drug that made me forget the whole day, that would be bad ass.

You know whose clothes I love? J Jill. I can't afford them unless they are on sale, but they have the cutest stuff.

Also, I heard "Him" by Rupert Holmes for the first time today. That is about the shittiest song ever. And when he starts yodeling toward the end....GACK.


cathead9 said...

Adrian is doing fine. The drugs are working their magic.....

It's amazing you mentioned J. jill because that's one of the places I got clothes from today. I love their stuff too. I bought stuff on sale too. Their prices are too rich for my blood, but I got some good deals. I also got a couple of tops from Just My Size.

Rupert Holmes should be hung from his heels for subjecting the public to such dreck. Unless your Swiss, you should never be allowed to yodel in public, ever.....

Jimmy Holcomb (Treblephone) said...

That is one of the shittest songs ever, just behind the Pina Colada song.