Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ahhhhhh, Tuesday.....how boring.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Back home now.....a relatively pain-free trip. Pleasant (mostly) visits with the family, lots of great food, not a whole lot of traffic (on the way back anyway). Nobody died by my hand, so I can honestly say it was a huge success.
We put up the Yule tree Sunday and so far, Dinsy hasn't paid much attention to it. I had envisioned broken ornaments and garland strewn everywhere within mere minutes, but a firm "NO DINSY GET AWAYYYYYYYY!!!!" whenever she wandered too near did the trick, I guess. She does like to climb, as you can see by the pic.....

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Turk-EE Day

Thanksgiving is upon us once again and I can say truthfully this year that I have many things to be thankful for. I have a wonderful husband, a cool kitty, great friends and a beautiful new house, not to mention relatively good health at the moment. No car problems, got enough money for bills and groceries, I still like my job and co-workers.....I can't find anything to bitch about, so I won't.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Drugs are good

The colonoscopy was clear. I'm not as full of shit as I (and probably everyone around me) thought I was. Sunday was terrible, far worse than the actual procedure. Adrian's sisters came over to watch football and they brought loads of great food, none of which I could eat. All I could do was drink my laxatives, which were thoroughly disgusting, and run off to the back bathroom every now and then. Of the procedure itself, all I remember was somebody wheeling me on a gurney down the hall, then Adrian waking me up and saying it was time to go home.
I slept most of Monday, after eating a hamburger and taking an Oxycodone, then Adrian and Vicki and I went out to Hoover's for supper, Amy's for ice cream and then visited some head shops. A nice evening, but I conked out relatively early.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Because of the impending colonoscopy tomorrow, I can't eat anything today. I can only drink clear liquids and I have to take these killer laxatives all day to clean myself out. I've also had to go all week without taking any Naproxen, which pretty much makes me able to function without pain. I feel like an arthritic 80 year old. I'll be glad when tomorrow is over......

Adrian and I have decided to spend xmas here at home. Maybe we can convince our friends and family to spend it here with us? I'm going to order xmas dinner from Wheatsville or Whole Foods and just make a whole bunch of desserts to go with it. I'm looking forward to it. I'm kind of dreading Thanksgiving. Visiting some members of my family can be rather trying. Other members I look forward to seeing very much. That's probably true of everyone.....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

the Happy Monkey

I think we should all aspire to the maniacal contentment displayed by this monkey...

Poo Poo and Dookey

Yesterday I went to see a gastroenterologist about scheduling my first colonoscopy. The nurse and doctor were suitably horrified at my family history of cancer on both sides, and the doc asked me to schedule it ASAP. I found it amusing that the nurse (a woman older than me) kept referring to "poo poo" and "dookey", rather than feces or even shit. I don't look 41, but I don't look 6 either.....
She told me that colon, breast, ovarian and uterine cancers are all linked, and I've had all those in my first and second-degree relatives, along with stomach cancer, skin cancer, brain cancer and pancreatic cancer. I'm not being pessimistic when I say it's a matter of time before I have cancer too, I think I'm just being realistic. So, I try to stay on top of my health, which isn't great to start with. Some people interpret that as hypochondria, but I just don't want what happened to my mom to happen to me. If my insurance would pay to have my ovaries out now, I'd rip those suckers out so fast, I'd probably grow an instant mustache. But no.....I have to keep them until "there's a problem". So menopause will have to wait....

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Yardwork and Food

I picked up all the loose sticks and leaves in the back yard this morning and burnt them in the chiminea. Adrian is edging the front yard now, then we'll start up the grill for some hamburgers. It's a perfect day for eating outide: overcast, not too cool and no more flying bugs.
Tonight, if Adrian feels up to it (he had another tooth extraction yesterday), we'll go downtown to see The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari with live music at the Alamo Drafthouse. Caligari is my fave silent film and I've never seen it in a theatre, or with live music, so that should be a treat. The Alamo is like the Granada in Dallas, a theatre where you can eat and drink while you watch the film. They also have theme weeks, like a whole week of westerns and they'll serve steaks and beans, stuff like that. Or when they show a movie about food, like "My Dinner With Andre" and "My Breakfast With Blassie" on a double-feature, they'll serve the appropriate meal to coincide with the goings-on onscreen. It's a fun place to see a show.....

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


We actually had little kid trick-or-treaters last night, no 30-year-old Mexican men with Zapata mustaches and pillowcases in this neighborhood. We ran out of candy and had to turn off the porch light and still they knocked, to no avail. All the little ones actually said "thank you" for their candy. We'll have to really do it up next Halloween. We got caught short this year, what with moving and all.
It's nice and chilly here now, like it should be in November. I wish we could find some sugar skulls close by. They're probably all over south Austin, there's loads of Mexican bakeries down there.
I neglected my Samhain ritual again this year. How embarrassing. I guess I'm a non-practicing pagan.....