Sunday, November 12, 2006


Because of the impending colonoscopy tomorrow, I can't eat anything today. I can only drink clear liquids and I have to take these killer laxatives all day to clean myself out. I've also had to go all week without taking any Naproxen, which pretty much makes me able to function without pain. I feel like an arthritic 80 year old. I'll be glad when tomorrow is over......

Adrian and I have decided to spend xmas here at home. Maybe we can convince our friends and family to spend it here with us? I'm going to order xmas dinner from Wheatsville or Whole Foods and just make a whole bunch of desserts to go with it. I'm looking forward to it. I'm kind of dreading Thanksgiving. Visiting some members of my family can be rather trying. Other members I look forward to seeing very much. That's probably true of everyone.....


Anonymous said...

How're you feeling?


cathead9 said...

just's all over and everything's good.

Jimmy Holcomb (Treblephone) said...

So, can we expect a video on YouTube?

cathead9 said...

Yesss, you'd like that, wouldn't yer.......heh heh heh.....