Monday, November 27, 2006


Back home now.....a relatively pain-free trip. Pleasant (mostly) visits with the family, lots of great food, not a whole lot of traffic (on the way back anyway). Nobody died by my hand, so I can honestly say it was a huge success.
We put up the Yule tree Sunday and so far, Dinsy hasn't paid much attention to it. I had envisioned broken ornaments and garland strewn everywhere within mere minutes, but a firm "NO DINSY GET AWAYYYYYYYY!!!!" whenever she wandered too near did the trick, I guess. She does like to climb, as you can see by the pic.....


Unknown said...

the real question is, "does she like to climb TREES ?"

cathead9 said...

No claws, so trees are out, but ladders are a huge success. She likes to climb to the top of the ladder and start fighting with it and fall off.
I was extra careful not to hang dangly things near the bottom, so I think she just doesn't notice the tree.