Saturday, November 04, 2006

Yardwork and Food

I picked up all the loose sticks and leaves in the back yard this morning and burnt them in the chiminea. Adrian is edging the front yard now, then we'll start up the grill for some hamburgers. It's a perfect day for eating outide: overcast, not too cool and no more flying bugs.
Tonight, if Adrian feels up to it (he had another tooth extraction yesterday), we'll go downtown to see The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari with live music at the Alamo Drafthouse. Caligari is my fave silent film and I've never seen it in a theatre, or with live music, so that should be a treat. The Alamo is like the Granada in Dallas, a theatre where you can eat and drink while you watch the film. They also have theme weeks, like a whole week of westerns and they'll serve steaks and beans, stuff like that. Or when they show a movie about food, like "My Dinner With Andre" and "My Breakfast With Blassie" on a double-feature, they'll serve the appropriate meal to coincide with the goings-on onscreen. It's a fun place to see a show.....


Jimmy Holcomb (Treblephone) said...

'Cept the Granada is a concert hall now......

cathead9 said...

ahhhh......that's right. I forgot.