Thursday, February 01, 2007

Where do I start?

Hmmmm......went back to pain doc today to get results of the MRIs on my neck and lower back. She was right: I have 2 bulging discs (or dicks, if this was the Greenville Herald-Banner) in my neck, one of which is pressing against and flattening my spinal cord; and 2 bulging discs in my lower back, one of which is torn and possibly leaking fluid. These are what have been causing the pain, along with the arthritis in all of my joints. The solution: epidural injections in my spine, or surgery if those don't work. I have the first injection on Feb. 15th. I'll be put under for it, so I get the day off work.

I got prescriptions for Lexapro (antidepressant) and Ultram (painkiller), of which I took the first doses today before lunch and promptly got a blinding migraine. The pharmacist called me at work right before I came home and told me to not take those together because of "increased risk of seizures". Cool! I told her she was too late and asked her to please refill my migraine meds. Note to self: start the Lexapro AFTER the injections, because I may not need the painkiller after then....

The night before last, my allergies were bugging me and I was out of Zicam, the homeopathic remedy I usually take for such. Instead, I took an over-the-counter allergy med from the grocery store and also an extra half pill of my muscle relaxer, since the pain was especially bad that night. About 30 minutes later,, I got really sleepy and went to bed. As I was laying in bed, I noticed a swarm of huge spiders come out of the ceiling fan. Then, I saw hands reach out for me from my peripheral vision. I freaked out and called for Adrian, who came into the bedroom. I had to ask him, why do you have a clown face on? He didn't. I could see it even though my eyes were closed. Great, I'm hallucinating! Now, I do sleepwalk, but I don't have nightmarish things happen when I sleepwalk and Adrian can always talk me out of it. These were full-on hallucinations, which, back in the day, would have been welcomed and even sought after, but shit, I was trying to sleep. The spiders, clown faces and reaching hands kept up until I finally drifted off to an uneasy sleep about 3:30am.

So that's been my fun week....


HOLMES said...

Holy shit, Lisa.

Hallucinations and bulging/torn dicks and possibility of seizures. This is entirely too much going on at once.

I hope you don't have to have surgery.

cathead9 said...

I only wish it was a bulging dick, but that's another post.....

no surgery, please....

Unknown said...

Herald Banner comment- HILLARIOUS! everything else- OMG!! Make sure and let us know after the injections if they help or not. hopefully no surgery.