Monday, January 29, 2007


I need to start drinking more heavily so I can treat people shitty and get away with it because "I was drunk". Apparently, when you drink, you can make plans with non-drinking people who will stupidly think you mean it, and then blow them off. When they get pissed at you, you can just say "oh hell, I was drunk, I don't even remember talking to you".
I've spent all these years being considerate to my friends and if I had been drinking, I wouldn't have had to bother! What a fucking drag! And according to another friend of mine (birthday boy), I have no right to be angry that I was "blown off", so to speak, because I can't control other people, so why be mad about how they treat me? Oh yes, and I'm blowing things all out of proportion and I'm "on the knife edge" too, according to said friend.
Now, I was raised among alcoholics, so you'd think I'd be used to this crap. But no, I married a good man who doesn't drink and I've tried to surround myself with decent friends, like Phillip and Shelly and Jimmy who don't treat people shitty. So I still do get really pissed when people whom I thought were my friends (some even relatives) who think it's OK to ignore me.
I hope I've never treated any of my real friends badly. If I ever did, I certainly never meant to......


Jimmy Holcomb (Treblephone) said...

Nope, you've always treated me fine. We had a few concert times where I acted like a shit, but....I'd like to think I've got better since then. Hope so, anyway!

Anonymous said...

Is drinking related to the prevalence of life in the universe?

Then I really had a bit too much.

Phil's Mate

cathead9 said...

Nope, Jimmuh, you're fine with me. You have loads of friends, so you must be doing something right....

HOLMES said...

Having been raised by a drunk asshole, I get REAL tired of the "I was drinking" excuse myself. Lame. Lame. Lame.

I wish all drunks could be stupid, fun drunks like I am. I just laugh and laugh and laugh at shit. That's the way to go. I'm never belligerent because I am too busy laughing at everything.

cathead9 said...

I just fall asleep.....

Unknown said...

ok- i know that it wasn't meant to be funny- but that first sentence was GREAT!!! I completely agree with you- you have every right to be mad...drunks think of themselves. And for the record, I HATE when people talk as if they are, "I was drinking and had no control over anything in my life." PUH-LEEAAASSE!!

And for the record, about your question about "what am i putting in my coffee? I defenitely need to be putting something in there....suggestions? :)

cathead9 said...

I would suggest a sleeping pill because you need some rest, girly! I'm worried you're gonna wear yourself out....