Sunday, January 28, 2007

Rough weekend

It's been a rough but enjoyable weekend. Our pal John turned 60 and had a big birthday party at a Mexican restaurant. He DJ'd and there was food and drinks, great music, etc. Unfortunately for me, the only place to sit was right in front of the speakers. I'm officially too old, because it was too fucking LOUD. Actually, I think it was because the speakers were lousy and full of distortion. Music played loud through good speakers doesn't bother me, even to the point where the bass makes my bones hum. Distortion is painful, however, and a major migraine started. Our pal Phillip and my sister-in-law Vicki were with us and we came back home around 11 and talked and snacked.

I also saw a girl who use to come into my record store in Dallas to buy records from me when she only 12 years old, but mainly because she had a crush on my co-worker Steve. She's now 29 (!) and lives here in Austin with her boyfriend. Twenty-nine years old! That makes me fucking OLD! She's a lovely woman and I was very glad to meet up with her again. My co-worker Steve, who was supposed to stay with us Saturday night, apparently made other plans and didn't even call to let us know.

Sunday, I got up earlier than usual since we thought my husband's other sister and her husband were coming over (that's what they said), but when we called them to ask when they would be here, we just got the answering machine. They've been blowing us off for a while now and I'm kind of tired of it. We all had a big misunderstanding earlier last year, but we all apologized and I thought it was over and done with. Now, every time we invite them over or they ask to come over, they never do. That's why I value my friends like Phillip and Shelly. They do what they say they're going to do and if can't for some reason, they let us know. Phillip and Shelly are real friends, and they seem to enjoy coming down here to visit us. We always have a great time when they do and I always look forward to seeing them. Shelly wasn't able to come to the party and we missed her very much.

I spent most of this afternoon (after Vicki went back to Dallas) in bed with a heat pack on my head, trying to get rid of this fucking migraine. The raised dosage of Lyrica is helping me sleep a lot better, but the pain is worse because I'm sleeping so deeply that I stay in one position for a long time (sometimes waking in the same position I fell asleep in) and I wake up feeling extremely sore and achy. I'll discuss that issue with the pain specialist later this week....


Anonymous said...

I love you.

I can't wait to see you and lick your face.

Phillip had a great time. Did you take any pictures?

You should see our house. EBay shit EVERYWHERE. Boxes and turntables and speakers and records and packing materials. Squeaky keeps laying on top of piles of cardboard, which makes it look like she's in the ghetto. I should take pictures.
Phillip is very organized and tries to keep everything neat, but MAN... sometimes it's just a lost cause.

Hope your migraine has eased. I feel old around loud music too... when we saw Booker T and the MGs at the Starplex, I had to stuff napkins in my ears because I couldn't handle it.


cathead9 said...

*sings* I was booooorn to love you..I was born to lick your face...I was booooorn to rub you, but you born to rub me first.....

Ok, things are gettin' kinda GAY round here. I'll have to get out my miniscule tent.

No pics, our camera doesn't have a flash. I did take photos of Phillip
and Adrian with Vicki's camera phone, but she took it with her! The Nerve!

We need to start doing that Ebay thang. I already have two t-shirts I could sell....and old REM shirt and a "Waco Wacko" Branch Davidian standoff t-shirt. Whaddaya think I could get for that?

Jimmy Holcomb (Treblephone) said...

Glad it went well! I was running all over the fucking place up here. :O