Monday, January 15, 2007

it's Ween-ter!

Had to go to work this morning. I left Adrian sleeping in a nice, warm bed and made my way through the cold and wet streets to my office. I only worked until 10:15 then left for my appointment with the pain specialist. The doctor thought that I may have problems with a couple of vertebrae in my neck and lower back and my body trying to compensate for it is what's causing the pain. She also told me that I still had the scoliosis I had in junior high, which sent me to a chiropractor 3 to 4 days a week for several years then. I thought he had gotten rid of it, but no.....She gave me a new prescription for Lyrica, which I've been on for some time now, but at a much larger dose. My regular doctor hadn't been giving me a therapeutic dose, apparently. I also have to see a "pain counselor" and get an MRI on my back and neck.

Now for the shit news: The one psychiatrist who called me back and agreed to see me this Wednesday left a message on our answering machine last Friday night, saying that after talking to my doctor, she "doesn't think she can help me, so let's cancel the appointment, OK?" She recommended a couple of shrinks who might help me, but upon further research, I found that they only do research studies and don't see patients. WTF??? Can't help me? She didn't even speak to me, except to get my contact information. What is my doc telling people about me? That phone message prompted a hearty round of profanity from me. I had spent 2 weeks calling 25-30 different shrinks and she was the ONLY one who agreed to see me before March or even returned my calls. Now I can't be helped? Fuck this shit.....


Jimmy Holcomb (Treblephone) said...

I stayed home. Fuck the ice. :)

Fuck doctors who don't care about new patients, too. :(

cathead9 said...

yeah, what's up with that? I want to know what my doc told her about me.....maybe she told her that I have latent homicidal tendencies tward shrinks?