Friday, February 23, 2007

Go, me.....and Stop The Insanity!

Last night, I exercised for the first time in over a year. My knees hurt a bit, but that's from arthritis. My upper body is very sore. Still, I felt good enough to exercise and that's half the battle for me. I did one of my favorite aerobics videos; one that's basic, yet still gives a good, solid workout.
I prefer to exercise with videos. Walking outside makes my feet and knees ache, plus by the time I get home at night it's already dark. I don't like going to gyms, even if I could afford to, because they're crowded and usually populated by people who are there to see and be seen, rather than work out. That was always my experience with gyms anyway, maybe they're different now.
I lost weight before I got married by doing several of Susan Powter's videos. Yes, she's obnoxious, but her workout videos are great. No dancing, full of simple, yet effective moves and very easy to follow. She has a new one out called Trailer Park Yoga. Jeez, I'll have to check that out.....


Jimmy Holcomb (Treblephone) said...

I'm exercising, too. I'm lifting a Blue Moon from a reclining position.

cathead9 said...

That's the best kind of weight lifting, Jimmuh....

HOLMES said...

Trailer Park Yoga sounds great.

Okay, they said on the Ticket today that Roky Erickson is going to be in Dallas this week. I have looked and looked but can't find confirmation of this... his website confuses me.... do you know how I can find out?

Phillip wants to go see Eric Clapton on Wednesday but SHIT, the tickets are like $150 apiece.


Unknown said...

i'm joining the

cathead9 said...

The Y has good equipment and classes, so you could do shluld get some of your friends to join with you. That helps keep the motivation up.