Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Please Bush, just....go away.....please.

I visited the "pain counselor" as recommended by my pain specialist. I told him my list of woes, that I had been on virtually every antidepressant on the market and tried biofeedback and cognitive therapy (which were a load of bullshit for my particular situation) and he listened, then suggested trying......you guessed it: biofeedback and cognitive therapy. "It's different now from what it was like in the 80s." Ahhh......we'll see about that. He said that when I see the pain doc again on the 1st, she would see about getting me on an SSRI. I mentioned Lexapro to her on my last visit. I haven't tried that one yet...

Monkey Boy is on all the channels giving his State of the Nation address. Every time he opens his mouth, people die. The Democrats aren't going to do any better. "I'm bored. Who should we invade now?"

I have an MRI on my neck and lower back on Thursday. I don't know exactly what they're looking for; the pain specialist thinks I have "issues" with vertebrae in those places. She pressed on a couple of places on my back and I almost collapsed from the pain, so maybe she's right. It doesn't bother me constantly, just an annoying reminder when I sit ir stand or lie in one position for too long. It prevents me from sleeping soundly, since the pain will wake me up whenever I switch positions. The raised dosage of Lyrica is helping the sleep part a bit, but not the pain bit. Maybe it will in time.....

I'm trying to get used to wearing my contacts again. I hate my glasses. I can't see as well with them as I could with my contacts, but my eyes are dryer now. I need to have my eyes checked again. If I could start wearing my contacts again, that would be so great.....


Jimmy Holcomb (Treblephone) said...

At least there is a chance that that crazy son of a bitch can be stopped now. Let's hope.

Hope the docs can get everything going good for you. Sounds like this one dealing with the back might actually know what they're talking about....let's hope.

adrian of austin said...

Hey elle...haven't seen your eyes in a while.....

HOLMES said...

I forgot the SOTU was on last night and couldn't get away from it... Bush, Cheney, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, Kennedy... there were too many people I didn't want to see and no matter which channel I was on, I saw one or all of them.

I'm getting ready for my trip.. laundry, packing, boarding passes! Phillip is driving down tomorrow night and coming back Sunday. HE will get to see you... take pictures!

Maybe the MRI will reveal... something...? Lexapro was the last thing I almost got prescribed before I started taking lithium... the doctor gave me samples but I never took them. Of course, I threw them away (I totally emptied the drug closet)about 3 weeks ago.

That picture of you would make a good header for your blog.

Oh! At school today Joe asked me, "Who is that Cat person who comments on your blog, because she always has a comment!" Then I told him who you are and added, "She wanted a Joe calendar and she doesn't even know you." Then he laughed maniacally. I guess he just wants to make sure you feel his power or something.

Back to packing and shit.

cathead9 said...
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cathead9 said...

I look really tired, don't eye? And you can see that huge blue vein under my right eye. At least you can't see the huge scar over my left eye from when I ran into the barbed wire fence as a child. Just call me Scarface....

cathead9 said...

I want to see Joe's very small tent.....is it in the calendar?

Anonymous said...

i'm addicted to stormy, hazel eyes.

i asked my doctor whether i would die and he said no. i replied some day. he got nervous. i quit.

today i took a glass of water and the pain went away.
