Tuesday, December 26, 2006


We had a nice, pleasant xmas this year. This was the first time Adrian and I have been able to spend a holiday together. Usually, he went to his family and I went to mine, but this year we decided to stay home and be together for the first time in 17 years. His brothers and sisters and a brother-in-law came from Dallas to spend the time with us, and our pal Stainze came over too. Adrian cooked a huge batch of his mom's dressing recipe, which turned out wonderful, and there were many desserts.
Adrian and I usually wait until January to get gifts for each other because we almost always never have any extra $$ in December, for various reasons. We just did stocking stuffers. He got me a beautiful pair of earrings that I saw at BookPeople and an Origins gift card. I got him some DVDs of old classroom sex and hygiene education films from the 40s and 50s, a book of weird photos and some malted milk balls.
Adrian has the whole week off, but I'm back at work today. Not much to do, but I'm gettin' paid to do it.....
Happy New Year to all of y'all!


Jimmy Holcomb (Treblephone) said...

I went to a friend's, got the shivers, slept for four hours, came home, and had the shits all day yesterday!

And, I spent $65 on a New Years Eve bash ticket, and now think I'm coming down with a chest infection!

Glad YOURS was good! :)

HOLMES said...

My favorite part of Christmas is always December 26.

We have spent all day today putting down wood floors in the guest bedroom. We aren't even halfway done.

I hate Home Depot and Bob Vila and everyone else who makes this shit look easy. Wish someone had bought me a fleet of Meskins for Christmas.


cathead9 said...

Why don't Americans have Boxing Day? I sure could have used another day (or 4) off.
I dream of having wood floors.....Meskins is cheap to hire. Just go down to Home Depot and they jump right into your truck, like hungry trout.