Thursday, December 21, 2006

Callllllllll for Super Chicken

I miss Super Chicken. It was one of my fave cartoons when I was a kid. I watched it everyday after school, along with Tom Slick, the Mighty Heroes, Wacky Racers (with Penelope Pitstop) and the Banana Splits.
On Saturday mornings, the lineup was Bugs Bunny, Scooby Doo (when they had guest stars like Mama Cass and Sandy Duncan), Fat Albert and the Children's International Film Festival with Kukla, Fran and Ollie.
Sunday mornings was the Childrens Hour with Bill Kelly, which had Davey and Goliath, old Merrie Melodies cartoons and Bill would read the funny papers, then the Osmonds and the Jackson 5 both had cartoons as well.
On weekdays before school, it was Slam Bang Theatre with Icky Twerp, and his ape pals Ajax and Delphinium playing cartoons and Three Stooges shorts.
Back then, nobody was trying to sell us stuff to go with the cartoons, we just watched them because they were funny.

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