Thursday, January 01, 2009

First post of 2009

I don't usually make resolutions at New Years'. I find that I soon lose interest in such things as exercising (which I know I should do everyday) or eating right (I'm a foodie, what can I say?). I will make an exception this year. I will endeavor to be more creative. I'm going to post more regularly, even though the posts may not be always funny. Everyday life is not always amusing or entertaining; sometimes (many times) it's downright dull, but if I want to call myself a writer, I must write.

I'm on the last part of the 2 weeks winter break that we cushy state employees get every year. It's been absolutely great; I don't think I've ever had 2 weeks off all at once since I've been an adult. I've slept late every morning, watched movies, read books. I finished fixing my Yardbirds website ( and gotten it up and running. I learned a new Mac application (iWeb) and generally, just enjoyed my life.

This past year was not bad by any means, even though I lost a job. It was a job I hated and losing it was a very good thing. I ended up with a job I like much better. Working at UT is like being a waiter in LA; everyone is something else (actor, dancer, director, etc.) and they're just working there to pay bills. I think that can be a healthy way to live if you tend to define yourself by your work like I do. It gives you something else other than work to put emphasis on. So, I'm now a writer who works at UT paying bills. Yep, that's the ticket, and it's a pretty good ticket.

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