Tuesday, August 28, 2007


My job is still plugging away quite nicely. Although I am bored with shipping, I started funding loans today, so that should be an adventure, given my math skills. One thing I don't like about my new co-workers (and most of them seem to do it) is that "Awesome!" seems to be the exclamation of choice here:

"How are you today, Lisa?"
"I'm fine, thanks."

"You're doing an awesome job, Lisa!"

"Thanks for showing me that computer short-cut, Lisa. You're awesome!"

People, the Grand Canyon is awesome, Victoria Falls is awesome, even Mount Rushmore is awesome, but I am not awesome. People here seem to use it in every sentence, like awesome Stepford Wives, so I thought to counteract that, I would use "groovy". So every time someone wields an "awesome!" against me, I parry with an equally spectacular "groovy!", to which the general reply is a stunned shake of the head and a "groovy?....awesome!".

It'll catch on, I'm sure....


adrian of austin said...

I'm partial to "Excelsior!" myself. Guaranteed to get uncomprehending stares.

Unknown said...

that is awsome...groovy. did you see The Office where Jim trained Dwight to ask for gum everytime the alarm went off..."as an experiment"...you need to start some experiments at your office.