Friday, August 11, 2006


The seller has agreed to pony up $8800 for plumbing repairs, which is the figure that the plumber his realtor found came up with (how's that for a badly composed sentence?). I can't believe it. That means that the seller is basically going to make no money at all from the sale of this house. He didn't agree to also replace the breaker box; that will be up to hubby and I to deal with, but at least we can roll that cost into the financing and not take too much of a hit payment-wise. I don't want to jinx it, but we may actually get this house after all.....
Went to my semi-yearly visit to the neurologist today. I asked her about going off the Topamax since it fucks with my memory and coordination, not to mention having to search for words constantly. It's hard to convince people that I have a BA in Linguistics when I'm going "duh, duh....." like a retard. She gave me loads of samples of my migraine meds and told me to just go down on the dosage of the Topamax and that should take care of it. She also told me that I HAVE to get more sleep (HA!!!) and gave me an article about the relationship between migraines and insomnia. She wants me to start taking melatonin at night to help with the sleep. Sure, why not? I've tried everything else......
I still have some cookie dough left! Hot damn!

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