Sunday, July 16, 2006

A nice, quiet Sunday

Sophie is doing a bit better today. She doesn't run and hide when we come into the bedroom, and even meows quietly when we say her name. She let me scratch her under the chin without freaking out, but I got a small half-hearted hiss afterward. I put a few drops of Rescue Remedy in her water dish and that seemed to help. I had forgotten I had some in my purse. That stuff helped me tremendously when my mom was ill. Plus, we slept in the same room with her all night, so I think she's getting used to us.
Oh no! Rush is on TV, an old film of them playing "Tom Sawyer". I remember seeing them on the Midnight Special back in the Seventies. I remember looking at Geddy Lee and thinking "that's the ugliest woman I've ever seen in my life!" He hasn't gotten any better looking either.....Get thee behind me, Geddy!!!

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