Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why does this mightily amuse me?

It contains my least favorite word in the English language, yet it makes me laugh myself sick.
There's just no accounting for taste sometimes......


adrian of austin said...

I thought your least favorite word was "old school". Wait, that's two words.

HOLMES said...

I have this book with Queen Elizabeth's picture on the cover. years ago I started writing down things people said that were either stupid or poignant; as you can imagine, I have a fair amount of both types of things in the book.

I got so sick of the phrase "tugs at the heartstrings" that I started a list of phrases I was tired of hearing/reading. I forgot all about that list until just now. The only thing I can remember besides the heartstrings comment was "he/she does it on their terms".

Also, nice masthead!