Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Trouble with Working

This past Thursday at work, I almost succeeded in getting myself fired. In a previous post, I told about these "How Not To Think Like A Victim" classes that the CEO is so enamored of. These sort of classes (and the accompanying books, DVDs and CDs) are cottage industries directed at CEOs. I saw hundreds of similar ones when I worked at Half Price Books. Anybody can think up an "inspirational" line of crap and market it to CEOs, who are only too willing to soak up this junk, thinking that their employees' lives will be changed and they will be forever grateful that their CEO/leader/guru brought it to their attention in the first place.

But I'm not like that.

See, I have work to do, lots of work actually. So much work in fact, that I could easily come in early, work through lunch, stay late and come in on Saturdays and barely keep up. So I have been doing most of the above; I can't stay late because we only have one vehicle at the moment.

So, on Thursday, I asked the CEO if I could speak with him privately. I'm scheduled to take these classes on 4 different days this month and they last all day long. Could I be excused from the classes, seeing as we are overwhelmed with work at the moment and I really should be WORKING and not going to CLASSES that have nothing whatsoever to do with my job?

"Absolutely not! Those classes are mandatory for every employee and WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASKING?!" His face darkened and he scowled at me.

Well, because the classes are USELESS and I'm NOT INTERESTED. See, I'd like to come here and do my WORK. See all those files over there? That's my WORK.

"Well, you'd better be in all 4 days of those classes. Those classes ARE your work!"

Well.......I could see where my bread was buttered, so I walked out the office we were in and left him there glaring at me. Then the real fun started.

Our morning meeting started and all the employees (myself included) gathered together to listen to the usual self-congratulatory bullshit I've come to expect from these losers. The CEO pipes up:

"We need help with shipping, since they're so behind. Who wants to help out?" Of course, the same 20 people raise their hands who do whenever the CEO asks anything, whether it's to help out with shipping or clean the toilets. The same 20 brown nosers....

"Lisa has volunteered to teach y'all how to ship files today at noon, so bring something to write with!"

Noon. That was 30 minutes from his announcement, which was the first I had heard about anything I'd supposedly volunteered for. In 30 minutes, I would teach 20 people who had no real interest in learning my job, how to do what it's taken me almost 4 years to learn.

"Oh yeah, Lisa will teach another class tomorrow, in case anybody can't make it today". I caught his triumphant glance in my direction. I hope he could read the very sincere "FUCK YOU, YOU ASSHOLE" in my eyes.....

Well, I taught his fucking classes and I did them very well, thank you. Those 20 people now know that shippers don't just sit around and shuffle papers. They saw exactly what the underwriters do wrong, what the closers and the funders miss and why the shippers are so backed up with work fixing all those things. I noticed that the closers, the underwriters and the funder who showed up for my first class weren't there for the second one. I'm sure they didn't lose sleep over it.

Oh yes, my supervisor asked me to come in Saturday to work. I said no. And every time she asks me this month to work on Saturday, I will say no. I did feel bad when I turned her down before because of the work load, and these new people messing with the files are only making the shippers' work harder, not easier. My shrink told me that she's a supervisor for a reason; it's her responsibility to get those files out, not mine. I was taking on more responsibility than was warranted for my position. It was getting me nowhere, so I'm not doing it anymore. I'll still come in early and work through lunch and I'll get out as many files as I possibly can during that time, but I'm not working on Saturdays to make up for work I could have done if I wasn't in the damn classes!

On a better note, I took the UT typing and spelling exam. I'm a better typist than I thought (42 wpm with 5 mistakes) but I'm embarrassed to say that I only scored a 98 on the spelling. Jeez, I'm an English major, I should have aced that one. I've applied for an admin job in the Office of Admissions and some other state jobs, so please, goddess, let them call soon......I've grown gray waiting for Whole Foods to call. Those hippies wouldn't know a good thing if it bit them on the ass....


Unknown said...

i'm so glad that you are not working on saturdays. good luck on the job opportunities.

HOLMES said...

What a bunch of asswhips you work for. Don't go in on Saturdays. This motivational workshop/class bullshit is nonsense.

I say we develop our own motivational, heat-seeking workshops and unleash them upon the world.

Unknown said...

Come to UT, elle. The money's only average, but the benefits are amazing. Pie every month.

cathead9 said...

I'm trying!!! At least now my typing and spelling scores are posted, so maybe UT will think I'm nice enough and smart enough and doggone it....people LIKE ME1!!