The election is FINALLY over and my candidate won. So sorry if yours didn't. Those people who think that the US will suddenly become a socialist country obviously know very little about socialism. Ever had to call the police or the fire department? You've benefited from a socialist organization. Ever checked out a book from the library? You've benefited from a socialist organization. Were your parents wealthy enough to put you through private school? Then you probably went to public school, which is (wait for it)...a socialist organization. Socialism is NOT communism and the US will never be a purely socialist country. The (post-Nixon) Republicans let things get so bad that people seem to think that it's a reasonable fear, which is ridiculous. End of story.
I got a promotion and a nice raise this week. That was far more exciting to me than any election. I've got 2 weeks off at the end of the year, plus 2 days off later this month to go see my family. THAT'S what I'm excited about, not another election......and I still love my new bed.
Now I know, and you know, that you spelt "Thangs" that way for effect - to imitate an accent in writing. Some readers may think otherwise. They need to git down offen' their hah horse.
I'm a little tired of hearing all the "socialism" rhetoric myself... and of course the people who think the US is going to become a socialist country probably never go to a public library...
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