Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My rheumatologist has put me back on Plaquenil. I was diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome in late 2004 and I was prescribed Plaquenil but after 6 months of my parotid glands continually swelling up, the rheumy took me off of it and released me. He now seems to think that a double dose every day will keep my cheeks from making me resemble a rabid chipmunk. I've been on the drug again for only a short time, so the only thing I've noticed so far is nausea. I cut myself back to a single dose a day and that's helped. Plaquenil is an immunosuppressant, so I hope I don't catch everything that comes around the office. I got sick often enough when my immune system wasn't being suppressed.

An administrative associate position has become available in my office and I interview for it on Thursday. It's a nice promotion and carries a large (for my salary) raise.

News about the Tempurpedic Bed: it's not really a Tempurpedic(tm) bed, but one from overstock.com that is supposed to compare favorable with Tempurpedic's top of the line bed at a third of the price. It's not memory foam all the way through; it has a pillow top of regular foam and a washable cover.

It's also 14 inches thick, so I had to buy some new sheets. Oh, and some new pillows too. It's EXTREMELY comfortable; we've had to get used to sleeping on it. Our old bed was lumpy and made my joints ache. We both became accustomed to flipping like pancakes all night long and not sleeping. It's difficult to turn over on this bed, so the first few times I slept on it, I woke up every time I changed positions, which I've always done. Last night, I stayed in the same position all night and only woke up once, which I consider a vast improvement. I was stiff and sore this morning, but then, I usually am anyway. I'm happy with my purchase.......


HOLMES said...

What does Dinsdale think about the bed?

cathead9 said...

Dinsy loves the bed. She's on it everyday to take a np and she jumps up on it to wake me up every morning....