I know that when I have kids of my own, I'll try to impart my dad's wisdom and life lessons, such as:
- If it feels good, it must be good for you.
- You'll never lose a fight if you have more bullets than the other guy.
- Try your hardest to act like a normal person.
- Don't wear your wedding ring when you're trolling for chicks.
- Always keep your axe sharpened. You never know when you'll need it.
- Don't try to reattach something that just "fell off". The cops won't understand.
Our Olan Mills portraits - don't we look alike?

Damn, some people and their tattoos! I think if you get anything tattooed on your face, you ought to be institutionalized.
They don't look like the sharpest knives in the drawer, do they?
I'm almost too stunned to comment, so I'll fall back on what I know - typography.
The choice of Old English for the phrase "Git-R-Dun" successfully transforms a tired redneck-comedian catchphrase into something brand-spankin' new. This dad knows you're always a happy Pappy when your head says something snappy. And the fancy-man font, far from being sissified, is just the touch of class you need to feel equally at home at the dogfights or high tea with the queen.
Junior, by contrast, chose the hip 'n' hot Shatter font for the carefully chosen one-word descriptor he'll live with for life: Psycho. Now you might think such a bold body-mod would render you unemployable, and you'd be right. But both Dad and lad have taken to heart the timeless wisdom from Raising Arizona: "You're young, you've got your health...what do you want with a job?".
What's the nattyism for getting your head tattood after a case of Natural Light? I'd like to hear that one. Stupid people are breeding faster than they can get themselves killed, but at least they give us something to laugh at.
I read somewhere that the dad has "Got-R-Did" stamped on the back of his head. This knowledge leaves me with more questions than answers.
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