Tomorrow is my husband's birthday, and the one month date of my being unemployed. I can't make his birthday as special for him as I would like, but I have some presents for him and maybe he'll let me take him out to dinner. I don't want him to be any more miserable about our situation than he already is, but I would like to celebrate his birthday with him.
No more interviews since the one last month. I've applied to more than 70 jobs in the last month. I'm thinking of attending a free job fair on March 18th and handing out some resumes. It couldn't hurt, I suppose.
On the plus side, my house has never been cleaner and I'm cooking a lot more. I made chicken taco soup last night and today is slow cooker gumbo. I've also been exercising almost everyday when my pain level allows. The Vicodin helps with that. Pop a Vicodin, do a short 30-minute Tae Bo workout, then collapse on the couch and sleep for 3 hours.
Here's the latest addition to the menagerie: Vicente Fox.
hey that's an interesting composition with the fox, the globe and the painting.
Glad you like it, StudBoy(tm)....
sorry no job your body feeling better since you haven't had the stress of work??
no, not really. Pain level is the same. I am getting more sleep, just not all at once.
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